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808 人参与  2021年07月13日 17:07  分类 : 经典歌词  作者:PqYcIpRxIe4F  评论

Don’t say that i’m a loser

call me a doctor

my medicine mixed up in my cup

This long night cannot think of my boring life

just wake me up when the sun comes up


转到我或你 都是无聊结局


射穿回忆 赢不来胜利

无关的 虚幻的泡影

破碎的声音 脑海里荡个不停

是我活该 不只是曾经

此刻的处境 也让我无能为力

Don’t say that i’m a loser

call me a doctor

my medicine mixed up in my cup

This long night cannot think of my boring life

just wake me up when the sun comes up

无关的 虚幻的泡影

破碎的声音 脑海里荡个不停

是我活该 不只是曾经

此刻的处境 也让我无能为力

Don’t say that i’m a loser

call me a doctor

my medicine mixed up in my cup

This long night cannot think of my boring life

just wake me up when the sun comes up



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