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《Flower Son》的歌词(歌手:旅行团乐队)

781 人参与  2021年08月03日 17:04  分类 : 经典歌词  作者:PqYcIpRxIe4F  评论

Flower son

And following the sun

Flower grow

And glowing under sun

Skipping on the waves

Reaching to the cloud

Mama's by your side

Hold me by your hand

Off to the world

There's so much more

My dearest son Growing up

Can be not so fun

Don't forget to smile

Life can be up and down

Singing in the rain

Dancing in the wind

Take whatever you've got

Believe in your own way

Don't be afraid

There's so much more

Singing in the rain

Dancing in the wind

Take whatever you've got

Believe in your own way

Don't be afraid

There's so much more

Skipping on the waves

Reaching to the cloud

Mama's by your side

Hold me by your hand

Off to the world

There's so much more



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