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《Bad 八卦》的歌词(歌手:VaVa毛衍七)

794 人参与  2021年08月12日 15:05  分类 : 经典歌词  作者:PqYcIpRxIe4F  评论

就不想出门 待在家里chill

(Don’t wanna go out just wanna chill at home)

叫上几个朋友 做个新的nail

(Call out my friends and do some new nails)

She got a new bag 跑来给我秀

(She got a new bag and brag about it)

Wow who give you 她说她老舅

(Wow who give you she said from some old dude)


(Hanging out and chatting nonsense)

想表达的 我了解七七八八

(I already know what you’re gonna talk about)

除了炫耀 那就是嘻嘻哈哈

(Bragging and giggling)

还有我不想知道的bad 八卦

(And gossiping about things that I don’t care)

朋友圈 哪个明星暧昧

(Which celebrity is flirting with whom in the circle)


(He said he can bring her to a party)

一本正经 是一个斯文败类

(Acting all serious but in fact ridiculous inside)

一觉醒来以后 有缘份再会

(and disappear after one night)

哈 那他们到底睡了没

(What Have they slept together then)

嗯 我感觉有个好几回

(Yup Likely a few times)

What 你确定你消息是真的

(What are you sure about this)


(So what else do you expect from me)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

我没兴趣 听那些瞎话

(I don’t give a what to the nonsense)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

添个油加个醋 还得加点辣

(it’s all fake and exaggerative)

Bad bad bad 八卦

我没兴趣 听那些瞎话

(I don’t give a what to the nonsense)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

添个油加个醋 还得加点辣

(it’s all fake and exaggerative)


(I can give you any news you wanna hear)

有点娱乐精神 OK陪你

(It’s all for entertainment I got it)


(Believing in every single word is no better than playing dirty )


(It’s time for you to try the power of gossiping)


(The problem is you being always boring)


(Collecting every little piece of gossip)


(Living online is your top skill)

爱说别人抄袭 我抄你

(commenting the nonsense)

都太肤浅 太过肤浅

(Shallow way too shallow)


(I don‘t need you to follow)


(Never have your own judgement)


(Being convinced by even a photo)


(Take a look at yourself first)

真的假的 又有什么意义

(What’s the point of having truth or false)


(Anyone can spread out anything anyway)

谁又在意 真的在意

(Who would care who would really care)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

我没兴趣 听那些瞎话

(I don’t give a what to the nonsense)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

添个油加个醋 还得加点辣

(it’s all fake and exaggerative)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

我没兴趣 听那些瞎话

(I don’t give a what to the nonsense)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

添个油加个醋 还得加点辣

(it’s all fake and exagger1分钟极速赛车精准计划ssip)


(Living online is your top skill)

爱说别人抄袭 我抄你

(commenting the nonsense)

都太肤浅 太过肤浅

(Shallow way too shallow)


(I don‘t need you to follow)


(Never have your own judgement)


(Being convinced by even a photo)


(Take a look at yourself first)

真的假的 又有什么意义

(What’s the point of having truth or false)


(Anyone can spread out anything anyway)

谁又在意 真的在意

(Who would care who would really care)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

我没兴趣 听那些瞎话

(I don’t give a what to the nonsense)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

添个油加个醋 还得加点辣

(it’s all fake and exaggerative)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

我没兴趣 听那些瞎话

(I don’t give a what to the nonsense)

Bad bad bad 八卦

(Bad bad bad Gossip)

添个油加个醋 还得加点辣

(it’s all fake and exaggerative)



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